Jump!Star Every day. At home. Worldwide.
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Written, directed and animated by Teresa Distelberger, drawings by George Ferrandi, music by Christian Amín Varkonyi.
April 10, 2020
Hello friends,
Back before quarantine time (bqt?) I started working with an amazing team of artists and art spaces in Vienna to develop a Jump!Star project for the people in the area of Simmering. In light of our current circumstances, we’ve moved the project online. This means we can invite everyone everywhere (aka you) to join us in weaving our worlds together— online now, but someday in real life… Someone from our team will be in a zoom room every day for the next few weeks from 11 am to 12:20 New York time, giving you opportunities to dance, sing, and braid fabric scraps (from those masks you've been making?) into a section of rope that will tie us all together in spirit for now, but eventually we'll connect them! I'll be online Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00am-to noon for “morning tea,” braiding fabric and just holding space for us to process this moment together. Maybe we can start to think about how it is shaping our hopes for the future…
Hope to see you.
Sounds of Now
What does the world sound like today?
Everyday life looks very different for many people at the moment and we have to get used to new circumstances and reorganize ourselves. At the same time we try to follow the developments and understand what the new situation could mean for us and the people around us.
In this situation new habits and rituals have also developed - such as the daily clapping together on the balconies and out of the windows to thank all those who continue the essential work, school lessons at home, quiet streets, a daily press conference, yoga classes online, muted conversations behind protective masks...
All these things are connected with a background noise and sound. Jump!Star Simmering would like to collect sounds and noises together with you, which for you stand for this time. The recordings can be 30 seconds and up to one minute long. We will weave the collected sounds and noises into a soundscape, share them with you on our channels and then, when we can meet again for real, we will listen to the sounds together at our big celebration in Simmering.
Vienna-based musician Futurelove Sibanda wrote the Jump!Star: Simmering anthem for Listening Out Loud and Dreaming Wildy. We ended each of our 21 online sessions with Futurelove performing this song live, initially in English, and in our later sessions, in many of the languages of our online participants. You can listen to recordings of the various versions here, sometimes with other folx singing along on Zoom.
The Brunnenpassage and the World Museum Vienna organized an extraordinary journey through time, together with George Ferrandi in NYC and a team of artists in Vienna.
This iteration of JUMP!STAR was originally planned to culminate in Simmering/Vienna, but due to social isolation, moved online and took on a worldwide dimension. For one month during the earliest days of the pandemic from from April 13 - May 3, 2020 between 11:00am and 12:20pm New York time, https://zoom.us/j/854656401 was the place to process what was happening, sing, dance together, weave a section of rope, listen out loud and dream wildly.
JUMP!STAR Team: Karin Cheng, Teresa Distelberger, Zuzana Ernst, George Ferrandi, Bianca Figl, Anna Gabersci, Melika Ramic, Futurelove Sibanda, Mario Aka Touched
by Anna Gaberscik
Degrees of Separation is a Jump!Star article series by Anna Gaberscik that examines the social and political implications of social distancing throughout history.
Part 2 Anger and Frustration: Rebelling Against Social Distancing
Part 3 Disorder and Absurdity in Times of Crisis
Part 4 Xenophobia and Othering: Scapegoats in Times of Crisis
Zoom Events
rope braiding tutorial Here.
Each day starting at 11am NY time / 17:00 Vienna time, someone from the Jump!Star Simmering Team will be on Zoom braiding scraps of fabric into sections of rope. We invite you to join us. While we’re working, we can try to process this challenging moment together and maybe start to think about how it’s shaping our hopes for the future. When we can all connect again in real life, we’ll connect all the sections of the rope and it will outline a space for a spectacular Jump!Star celebration.
After the braiding sessions, we’ll connect to our bodies and to our gratitude with a moment of jumping and a 10 minute singalong.
M, W, F 11:00 am NY time
Double Infinity with Teresa and Mario aka Touched
T, Th 11:00 AM NY time
Morning Tea with George
Daily 12:01-12:02pm NY time
JUMP! with Karin
Daily 12:10-!2:20pm NY time
Are you ready? with FutureLove
*Privacy policy for Jump!Star Events: During the Jump!Star Simmering events from 13.4.-3.5.2020, pictures and video may be taken for public relations purposes. Further information here.
Madeline Baker
A production of the Brunnenpassage in cooperation with the Weltmuseum Wien and the US artist George Ferrandi. Supported by SHIFT Vienna.